20. jun. 2010


REVIVAL (Uddrag #5)

I was talking about rending, reading, rewriting
what is seen. Put the book down and look into the day.
I want an art that can say how I am feeling
if I am feeling blue sky unrolling a coronation rug
unto the bare toe of a peasant girl
with vague memories of Jeanne d’Arc,
or that transformation in Cinderella.
Where is your mother today?
I think of you, soft skin against soot.
How much has the world turned
since you were a girl in Troy?
In these parts both widow and banker are diminished,
something outside the town defeated them.
In these parts neither possessed their life.

1 kommentar:

Andreas Straarup sagde ...

Jf. indlæg d. 2.5.2010, d. 9.5.2010, d. 6.6.2010 og d. 13.6.2010.