6. jun. 2010


REVIVAL (Uddrag #3)

On this day in history the first antelope was born,
remember The Yearling, like that,
but the footage distressed, handheld.
A hard, closed, linear world at the edge
of caricature, no memory now of the New Science
or The Origin of the Species.
It’s good to feel hunted in America.
To be the son of a large man who rose out of depression
and the middle world war, poverty and race
to loom in mid-sixties industrial American air,
survived classic notions of the atom,
to think to be. The official story walks
down the street, enters bars and cafés.

1 kommentar:

Andreas Straarup sagde ...

Jf. indlæg d. 2.5.2010. og 9.5.2010.